> Queer Books Please: Episode 38 - The Evil Friendship versus Heavenly Creatures

Friday, October 11, 2013

Episode 38 - The Evil Friendship versus Heavenly Creatures

Thoughts on Coming Out Day, rec of another lesbian fiction podcast, a comparison of novel The Evil Friendship and the film Heavenly Creatures, plus much more. Listen to the end for details on yet another contest to win your choice of a book off my bookshelf.

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Check out the LadyLike Book Club for a fun podcast about lesbian romance novels.

The Evil Friendship
by Vin Packer

by Malinda Lo

Music in this episode

Feel No Stress (Čaj na Ex) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

1 comment:

  1. I never read The Evil Friendship book. Only saw the movie Heavenly Creatures.

    I felt this movie version was very good and a bit disturbing story too. Yes, it's scary that real life event about 2 teenage girls kills one's own mother. (I didn't know at time I was watching this movie. My partner told me about it afterward. She said it as good history fictional in LGBT)

    Two girls from different lifestyle go to the same school become best friends. Yet, everyone else see this more than a friendship. Girls are in love with each other. But it does hinted the inferred lesbianism between the two girls. It left up to the viewer to guess if its true or not. The girls created a fantastic fantasy world avoid everyone in the real world. But this really show us how the girls justified the crime they commit. Jackson does a great job direction with this.

    Yes, I feel in love with Kate Winslet in this movie!

    Thanks for great podcast!
    Renee DeNigris
